

Springtime is a time of love, right? The flowers, the bees, the birds all abuzz flittering this way and that, their hearts a-pitter-pattering along. It's a sweet image, no? Well my little bumblekinds, I have become unstuck and am back in love. With Rogue. I know, I thought our relationship was over too, but it turns out that it was just on hiatus. A little storm before the calm.

I picked it back up on Sunday night and am now most of the way done with the body. I also tried it on and it fits. Beautifully. Even though I am 20 pounds heavy right now. (Side note: I think I have gained weight because I had inadvertently been starving my body of nutrients by eating wheat and now that I am back to normal absorbtion I am holding onto every spare calorie I can. Just in case, you know, I start poinsoning myself again and all those nutrients disappear. I figure the weight will come off once my body stops trying to insulate itself against disaster.) The cables, they are so so pretty and challenging and *satisfying*. It is everything I ever wanted in a project.

I've also been washing fleece and spinning up a storm. I have an entire bobbin of the Stomy Sky Stormy Sea colorway spun up now as well as half a bobbin of Mimi. I was reading Woven Thoughts, though, and I might take the rest of Mimi's fleece and send it off to Morro Fleeceworks for pindrafting because those little beehives of fleece look so nifty and I'm not loving how hand-carded fleece turns out... It's sort of rough-looking which is a big contrast to how processed roving spins up (very smoothly because all the fibers are aligned in the same direction).

So without further ado, the pictures! Stormy Sky Stormy Sea all bobbined up and purdy:

And a closer look:

My Merino spinning has gotten a lot finer and more even as I've gotten used to it (quelle surprise!) so I may run into some guage problems when I ply it. We'll see.

I had a particularly hilarious time trying to photograph Rogue on me. Jon had just left for work, so I spent some quality time in front of the mirror (is that ever *not* quality time, though? I mean really. It's great to stare at yourself. Especially when you are me.)

Too much flash but the yarn color is accurate as is the color of my shower tile... (and I *know* I have to clean my mirror so to make for the better gazing at myself):

Thirteen years of ballet culminated in this one photo. I call it "Serious Sweater Dancer I":

Lily Tomlin knits... Who knew?

And finally, the "best" one:

I hope to finish Rogue this weekend. I'll keep you "posted" (oh ho ho ho HO!).